Monday, 30 March 2020 00:00

Tanzania coronavirus cases rise to 19


Tanzania has reported five new cases of coronavirus on Monday, raising the total number of confirmed infections to 19.

Three of infected people are from Tanzania mainland, while the two others are from the semi-autonomous Zanzibar archipelago, Health minister Ummy Mwalimu said.

“Efforts to trace those who were in contact with the patients are ongoing,” the minister said.

The government has ramped up its call for preventive measures such as general hygienic practices including the use of face masks, handwashing and use of sanitisers in public places and increased enforcement of social distancing.

It has, however, adopted a wait-and-see approach to the coronavirus pandemic, as neighbouring countries impose partial or near-total lockdowns and introduce stimulus measures to cushion their economies.

Church services and funerals are still permitted and public transport is running in what appears to be a government move to minimise chances of the Covid-19 pandemic grinding the country to a halt.

Source: The East Africa

Published in Politics