J.N. Ssekazinga
Wednesday, 28 September 2016 11:38

Make Natural Vaginal Wash At Home

It is important to maintain vaginal hygiene and keep it clean and odorless. The safest bet would be to prepare natural vaginal wash at home with natural ingredients. Have a look at a few natural vaginal wash that you can make.

1. Aloe Vera Gel

You will require fresh aloe Vera to make this. Slice a fresh piece of aloe and remove the gel and add it to a cup of water. Use this water as a vaginal wash.

2. Yogurt

Yogurt is a very effective natural remedy to clean the vagina. Apply homemade yogurt directly to remove candida infection.

3. Lemon Leaves

A compound called limonene is present in lemon leaves which make it an anti-microbial, antibiotic and an anti-allergic agent to clean and remove any foul odor. It also helps maintain the pH of the vagina keeping it healthy and clean.

4. Chamomile Oil

This is a great way to help you get rid of vaginal odor. Add one drop of oil to about 2 cups of water. Use this to wash your sensitive area.

5. Baking Soda

Baking soda helps balance the pH level in the body and reduce any kind of odor. Add half a cup of baking soda in your bath tub and soak yourself for at least 20 minutes.


The Emergency Contraceptive Pill delays ovulation, minimizing the chances of fertilization but disrupts the regular menstrual cycle. Any interference with a normal body process is bound to have its repercussions like heavier bleeding during and between periods, severe cramps, lower abdominal pains, weight gain, depression, high blood pressure, and increased risk of ectopic pregnancies.

What’s Inside?

An ECP can be one of three types: pills with estrogen and progestin combined; pills with progestin (levonorgestrel); and pills containing an antiprogestin.1 The first type, that is, pills containing both hormones, is now largely used as a regular contraceptive pill and not just as a one-off EC. The progestin-only pill contains levonorgestrel and the antiprogestin pills contain ulipristal acetate or mifepristone. Both are meant to be taken within 72 hours of intercourse to be effective. These pills function in a similar manner – preventing/delaying ovulation and, thereby, checking fertilization.

The Morning After: Side Effects

If a pill is attempting to prevent or inhibit a regular activity of the human body, there is a high possibility that there are side effects. Delaying ovulation essentially means that the pill disrupts the regular menstrual cycle. It alters the normal menstrual behavior and may cause heavier bleeding or bleeding between periods. There is also a risk of increased cramping or lower abdominal pains. Other documented side effects include weight gain, depression, high blood pressure, respiratory ailments, and an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. One study also found pills containing levonorgestrel could lead to bulimia and anorexia in some cases.2

Are They Safe?

Despite the possible side effects, the ECP is still promoted heavily and available over the counter in many countries. So why are they still marketed and recommended? Supporters argue that ECPs help prevent millions of unwanted pregnancies every year. They also argue that the risk to a woman’s health due to a pregnancy is higher than the side effects of a delayed menstrual cycle. In fact, there’s even an International Consortium for Emergency Contraception (ICEC) that releases a regular fact sheet on the benefits of ECPs.3 The general consensus is that ECPs are safe with minimal side effects which are not medically harmful. One study, while endorsing ECPs, also disproved concerns over the occurrence of ectopic pregnancies.4 In clinical trials, ECPs come out as largely effective with only mild side effects like headache, nausea, abdominal pain, or backache actually occurring.5 Although ECPs are intended for single use, using them more than once even within one menstrual cycle isn’t known to have any serious fallout.6

With huge changes in global trends that show higher sexual activity at lower ages and high incidence of violence against women, ECPs are a relatively safe option women can rely on to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Some of the health effects that follow are perhaps worth bearing under the circumstance.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016 11:35

How Birth Control Pills Cause Depression?

The oral contraceptive pill has been a boon to millions of women worldwide. And as expected of any hormone-based medication, it does have side effects. It is often assumed that the pill causes depression but the scientific community is yet to endorse this idea

Early Signs

From the early days, it was pretty clear that the pill wasn’t just a magic wand, waving off any chance of pregnancy. It had consequences – consequences that could be expected since you were ultimately modifying hormones and the functioning of your reproductive organs to prevent pregnancy. So, how does the pill work? The combination of female hormones estrogen and progesterone in the pill suppresses ovulation or the release of an egg from the ovary. It also thickens the cervical mucus, making it harder for sperms to travel into the uterus and fertilize an egg.

Women on the pill typically do face one or more of symptoms such as weight gain, irregular bleeding, sore breasts, headaches, libido changes, and nausea. Many women also report depression or mood swings as a result of the pill.1 But whether depression is actually a side effect of the pill has been much debated. While the majority of the side effects manifest in a very physically visible or measurable symptom, an affliction of the mind is a lot tougher to gauge. Moreover, the years post the invention of the pill also coincided with increased awareness – and consequently more diagnosis and studies – of depression as a mental illness. So does a link between the pill and depression really exist, or is it just a case of many different factors converging? Let’s find out.

Battling Depression

The World Health Organization estimates that depression affects about one in five women (as against one in ten men) at some point in their lifetime. A serious brain disorder, depression is characterized by long periods of severe sadness, dejection, and hopelessness, impacting a person’s life and health. It can be brought on by a variety of factors such as genetics, illness, stress, drugs, and hormonal changes. And it is the hormonal angle – and the fact that the condition has become so rampant – that has prompted scientists to look for a possible connection between the pill and depression.2

Studying The Missing Link

Most studies on the side effects of the birth control pill looked at physical aspects like weight gain until a pilot study in 1997 found that the most common reason cited by women for stopping the pill was depression. Women using combination birth control pills were “significantly more depressed” than those not taking the pill.3

Some years later, in 2012, a review was conducted of all studies on this link from 1976 to 2010. The researchers saw two trends emerging. One, the use and understanding of the term “depression” and what it constituted were not consistent. Second, the hormone-based combined contraceptives studied had different constituent compounds and couldn’t really be labeled as one type of pill. They concluded that the link between depression and the pill could not be definitively established.4

Surprisingly in 2013, another study swung to the opposite end of the spectrum. The researchers looked at sexually active women in the 25–34 year age group using oral contraceptives and found that these women were less likely to complain of depression. They were found to display fewer symptoms than women using less or no contraception. Even suicidal attempts were less likely. So, in essence, the study pointed out that the pill reduced the chances of mood swings and depression!5

Clearly the studies have moved from yes, it causes depression to no to maybe and even to maybe it alleviates depression. This is also partly because depression as a symptom is misunderstood by many and often confused with an occasional mood swing. Mood swings are a rapid change in mood as a reaction to some stimuli in the environment or bodily changes, moving from feelings of despair to euphoria and back. Depression is a much more entrenched disease.

The Bottom line

The scientific community still remains undecided about whether there’s a connection between the pill and depression. And while anecdotal evidence is in abundance, it hasn’t been conclusively proven that you need to get off the pill to beat depression. There’s no question that the pill is a valuable addition to the contraceptive options available to a woman – easy to use, non-intrusive, and discreet. So there’s no reason to avoid it yet. But if you’re on the pill and suspect it’s disturbing your mental peace, do get a qualified opinion to figure out the next steps. Depression is a serious medical condition that shouldn’t be taken lightly. So reach out for medical help any time you see signs, however minor

Tuesday, 27 September 2016 11:19

Treat Eczema At Home Using these Things!

Boil 20–30 neem leaves in 4–5 cups of water for 20 mins. Cool and wash rashes with it. Alternatively, heat 1 tsp licorice root powder in sesame oil. Apply this on rashes, conceal with a bandage, and leave for 3-4 hrs. Repeat twice daily. Avoid humid places and oily or spicy foods. Wear loose, cotton clothes. Bathe with a mild herbal soap and dab your skin dry instead of rubbing it.

Eczema is a disease characterized by skin rashes that have redness, swelling, itching, dryness, and flaking. The skin itches and when scratched results in a rash. In Ayurveda, this is known as vicharchika. It occurs when the immune system becomes unbalanced, so the condition is often associated with other allergic conditions like allergic asthma and hay fever. Genetic factors, debility, climate, and psychological factors can dispose one to the condition.


How To Treat Eczema At Home?

1. Margosa (Neem) Decoction

Prepare a decoction by boiling 20–30 margosa (neem) leaves in about 4–5 cups of water for 20 minutes. Let it cool and use this water to wash the affected area.

2.  Licorice And Sesame Oil

Mix 1 teaspoon powder of licorice root with a small amount of sesame oil. Warm this in a pan and then apply to the affected part. Wrap a bandage over it and leave for 3–4 hours. Repeat twice a day.

Foods And Beverages To Avoid

  • Avoid spicy or oily food.
  • Avoid tea, coffee, hot spices, and canned and preserved foods.
  • Avoid night shade vegetables.

What Else Should I Follow?

  • Avoid a hot, humid atmosphere.
  • Wear loose, cotton clothes. Avoid synthetic fibers as they inhibit perspiration.
  • Avoid soap or use mild herbal soap for bathing.
  • Use a soft, smooth towel and avoid rubbing the skin.
Tuesday, 27 September 2016 11:15

Home Remedies To Treat Pinworms Naturally

Pinworm infections in children can be cured by homoeopathic remedy CINA (30C) twice daily for 15 days. Supplement this with a teaspoon of food-grade Diatomaceous Earth, once a day, to kill the adult pinworms. Continue this for 90 days or so and repeat after 1 month. Practise good hygiene to minimize transmission of unseen eggs through body contact.

What Are Pinworms?

If you have never seen them before, it is little freaky to see a worm crawling out of your child’s bottom. No fun! Pinworms are tiny little worms, also known as E. vermicularis, and although seem alarming, they rarely cause serious problems. Gross, yes, but, don’t seem to make one sick or ill.

Don’t be mad at your dog. They don’t come from them. Pinworms are only found in humans.

The female comes out of the anus at night and lays her eggs and that is when your child may often feel most uncomfortable and itchy. One female can lay about 10,000 eggs in her lifetime. The life cycle gets easily carried on because if someone scratches their perianal area and the eggs get under the fingernails, they can get easily re-ingested orally or shared with friends.

How To Treat Pinworms?

But don’t fear, there is hope and a natural way to treat them and get them under control. I reached for my homeopathic remedy called CINA, gave a dose, and thankfully she was able to sleep through the rest of the night. More treatment began the following day.

First of all, we continued the CINA at 30C twice daily for 15 days. Second, we added Diatomaceous Earth (DE) (food-grade only) one teaspoon mixed in applesauce at least once a day.

DE, as it is called, actually kills the adult pinworms and not the eggs, so it is important to keep the treatment up. I would suggest at least 90 days or so, and some people just take it every day. Next, we added an herbal remedy for worms.

We did all of the above for 15 days just to clear them all out, but I would suggest keeping up with the DE indefinitely. Bummer is you need to treat the whole family as the eggs are tiny and are easily passed from person to person without notice. They can be easily passed among small children in close quarters, hence the need to teach them to wash hands not necessarily with antibacterial soap, but with just plain soap, water, and friction.

It would be wise as well to wash all sheets, towels and clothes before using twice during this time. Change underwear daily and no bath sharing. Do not scratch the infected area or place your fingers in your mouth.

Over-the-counter Medicines And Side Effects

There are many over-the-counter medicines that can work and I have heard and seen success with. These medicines basically paralyze the nervous system of the pinworms and they eventually come out with the poop.

The side effects include abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache or dizziness sometimes occur after taking this drug. Many such medicines recommend that children under 2 years not use it, not sure why, but if children under 2 can’t use it, makes me wonder why 3 and 4-year-olds would be ok to use it.

Also, typically with such OTC drugs to rid the body of parasites or worms, you see a trend in the parasites developing resistance to them. Knowing that, I chose to go what seemed the safest and most natural route for our family. Thankfully no one else seemed to be infected. We did, however, repeat the whole treatment a month later just to be safe as the life cycle can be about 21 days and wanted to make sure we didn’t miss any.

So, the next time your child wakes up screaming in the middle of the night complaining of itching or burning in their rectal area, be sure to get a flashlight out to check for pinworms. If you don’t see them on first look, another way is to use some scotch tape to the affected area and they will come off on the tape.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016 10:49

Home Remedies To Treat Pinworms Naturally

Pinworm infections in children can be cured by homoeopathic remedy CINA (30C) twice daily for 15 days. Supplement this with a teaspoon of food-grade Diatomaceous Earth, once a day, to kill the adult pinworms. Continue this for 90 days or so and repeat after 1 month. Practise good hygiene to minimize transmission of unseen eggs through body contact.

What Are Pinworms?

If you have never seen them before, it is little freaky to see a worm crawling out of your child’s bottom. No fun! Pinworms are tiny little worms, also known as E. vermicularis, and although seem alarming, they rarely cause serious problems. Gross, yes, but, don’t seem to make one sick or ill.

Don’t be mad at your dog. They don’t come from them. Pinworms are only found in humans.

The female comes out of the anus at night and lays her eggs and that is when your child may often feel most uncomfortable and itchy. One female can lay about 10,000 eggs in her lifetime. The life cycle gets easily carried on because if someone scratches their perianal area and the eggs get under the fingernails, they can get easily re-ingested orally or shared with friends.

How To Treat Pinworms?

But don’t fear, there is hope and a natural way to treat them and get them under control. I reached for my homeopathic remedy called CINA, gave a dose, and thankfully she was able to sleep through the rest of the night. More treatment began the following day.

First of all, we continued the CINA at 30C twice daily for 15 days. Second, we added Diatomaceous Earth (DE) (food-grade only) one teaspoon mixed in applesauce at least once a day.

DE, as it is called, actually kills the adult pinworms and not the eggs, so it is important to keep the treatment up. I would suggest at least 90 days or so, and some people just take it every day. Next, we added an herbal remedy for worms.

We did all of the above for 15 days just to clear them all out, but I would suggest keeping up with the DE indefinitely. Bummer is you need to treat the whole family as the eggs are tiny and are easily passed from person to person without notice. They can be easily passed among small children in close quarters, hence the need to teach them to wash hands not necessarily with antibacterial soap, but with just plain soap, water, and friction.

It would be wise as well to wash all sheets, towels and clothes before using twice during this time. Change underwear daily and no bath sharing. Do not scratch the infected area or place your fingers in your mouth.

Over-the-counter Medicines And Side Effects

There are many over-the-counter medicines that can work and I have heard and seen success with. These medicines basically paralyze the nervous system of the pinworms and they eventually come out with the poop.

The side effects include abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache or dizziness sometimes occur after taking this drug. Many such medicines recommend that children under 2 years not use it, not sure why, but if children under 2 can’t use it, makes me wonder why 3 and 4-year-olds would be ok to use it.

Also, typically with such OTC drugs to rid the body of parasites or worms, you see a trend in the parasites developing resistance to them. Knowing that, I chose to go what seemed the safest and most natural route for our family. Thankfully no one else seemed to be infected. We did, however, repeat the whole treatment a month later just to be safe as the life cycle can be about 21 days and wanted to make sure we didn’t miss any.

So, the next time your child wakes up screaming in the middle of the night complaining of itching or burning in their rectal area, be sure to get a flashlight out to check for pinworms. If you don’t see them on first look, another way is to use some scotch tape to the affected area and they will come off on the tape.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016 10:37

Best Ways To Keep Your Sinuses Clear

Struggling to get through your day thanks to irritating sinus blocks? Sinusitis is an inflammation of the air cavities around the nose, eyes, and cheeks caused by an infection (mostly viral and, in some rare cases, bacterial). The inflammation prevents the mucus from draining, resulting in sinus blocks that can cause you a great deal of irritation.1

Sinusitis can be acute or chronic. Acute sinusitis lasts for about 8 weeks and then subsides, while chronic sinusitis can go beyond 8 weeks. Chronic sinusitis is more common among people who have various allergies. The symptoms of acute and chronic sinusitis are no different and include

nasal congestion
nasal drip (mucus)
facial pain
sore throat
ear pain

Dealing With Blocked Sinuses

Mainstream medicine offers various options to unblock sinuses and get relief. Most of these can be safely done at home.

First, try and stay bug-free by washing your hands regularly. This will prevent secondary infections from aggravating your condition.
Keep yourself well hydrated. Drink plenty of water or other fluids especially if you have a cold. Staying hydrated leads to the free flow of mucus and can help unblock your nasal passages.
Inhale steam at least 3–4 times a day. You could add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to better clear your passages. Heat the water well and add. Bend over the pan of water. Cover your head with a towel and inhale deeply.
Use an over-the-counter saline nasal spray at least 3–4 times a day. Salt in the saline spray is a great antiseptic with healing properties and can help clear the block. Tilt your head backward and direct the spray nozzle into your nostril and spray. Repeat with the next nostril.
Make hot compresses with thick hand towels. Dip these towels in hot water and use them on your face. Alternatively, you can try a hot water bottle.
If you find the sinus block worsening when you lie down, try elevating your head with a couple of pillows.
You can use nasal decongestant drops bought at a drug store. However, make sure you do not use it for too long. Generally, a week is recommended and if the block doesn’t go away your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or corticosteroid sprays. This is usually the last line of treatment. If your doctor feels the blocked sinuses are a result of an allergy, you may be prescribed antihistamine medication.3

Beating The Block: The Ayurvedic Route

In the Indian traditional system of medicine Ayurveda, blocked sinuses occur as a result of excess kapha (mucus) in the body.4 You can get rid of this through a detoxification process which could include:

medicines like nasyam, which is nothing but medicated powders aimed at clearing out the nostrils.5 This is also useful in treating migraine.
medicated oils available over the counter at Ayurvedic drug stores. Heat lightly and gently massage on the head. This will clear the nasal passages.6

Do remember to consult an Ayurvedic physician or an Ayurvedic pharmacist before buying and using either nasyam or other medicated oils.

In most cases, irritating blocked sinuses clear up over time (could take anywhere between 2–4 months) with a combination of simple home remedies. However, you must consult a doctor if your blocked sinuses are also accompanied by fever, cough that refuses to clear up, and intense headaches.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016 10:24

Causes Of Vaginal Itching!

Many women experience vaginal itch at some point in their lives. Some of this itching may be due to chafing and will often go away on its own. However, when vaginal itching is persistent, develops inflammation, or causes great discomfort, it should not be ignored. The causes of vaginal itching can vary drastically, but it basically comes down to the vaginal pH, which must stay in an acidic range.1 When this pH balance is disturbed, due to things such as excess antibiotic use and poor hygiene, itching, inflammation, and infection can occur. Here are a few reasons why girls and women of all ages may experience vaginal itching.


Vaginal Irritation in Pre-Pubescent Girls

In children, the cause of vaginal infection and itching is mostly due to poor hygiene. After passing stools, girls are advised to wipe from the front to the back, as the space between the anus and the vaginal opening is very small. Wiping in any other direction can cause bacteria from the stool to enter the vagina.2 Some children may also experience itching due to an allergic reaction to certain soaps and detergents.

A persistent itch in the vaginal area could also be a sign of sexual abuse, especially if the child is experiencing other symptoms like general lethargy or mood swings. This is more uncommon, but important to address.3

Vaginal Irritation In Adult Women

There are several reasons why an adult may be experiencing vaginal irritation. The most common causes of itching are due to bacterial, fungal, or protozoan infections. Bacterial vaginosis is most often accompanied by a grayish, fishy-smelling discharge,4 while a fungal infection (or vaginal yeast infection) will show up as curdled discharge.5 A rarer condition, trichomoniasis is caused by a protozoan organism, which can typically cause a frothy discharge.6 All of these infections must be caught and treated in a timely manner so that they don’t become more severe. Prescription medication and topical creams usually resolve the problem within a few days.

Vaginal itching can also be a sign of a sexually transmitted disease, such as chlamydia or herpes. These also must be checked out and addressed by a doctor as early as possible.

And while this may seem obvious, forgetting to take out a tampon can lead to bacterial vaginosis and uncomfortable itching. On an average, tampons need to be changed or removed every 4–8 hours. When used beyond 8–10 hours, tampons can up your risk of infection. And in some cases, if left in the vagina for a long period of time, a tampon can cause a very dangerous, life-threatening condition called toxic shock syndrome.7

Vaginal Irritation After Menopause

Unfortunately, vaginal itching is one of the many unwanted gifts menopause can bring. Due to dropping estrogen levels, the vaginal lining thins out, which can increase a woman’s susceptibility to infections. One way to address this issue long-term is to have a doctor treat the area locally with estrogen.8

Other Causes Of Vaginal Itching

Some body washes and talcum powders with harsh chemicals can also cause irritation in the vaginal area. Douching, once a common practice, is no longer recommended – the vagina can actually clean itself quite effectively. Douching even just once a month could increase the incidence of bacterial vaginosis.9

Keep in mind that skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis can cause general itching throughout the body, including the vaginal area. If there are no other symptoms, such as an unusual discharge, it’s best to eliminate one cause at a time to figure out the root cause of any itching or irritation. See a doctor immediately if the itching persists, worsens, or is accompanied by a fever.10

How To Best Avoid Vaginal Itching

Probiotics promote health throughout the body, including the vagina. Take a probiotic supplement, either as a capsule or a suppository, and/or add yogurt as a regular part of your diet.11 And, most importantly, keep the whole area clean!

Video games are tremendously exciting and a whole lot of fun. For many kids, it offers an escape from schoolwork and the pressures of adolescent life or playground politics. But the electronic sound effects, incessant clicks, and frantic swiping and twisting at a video game console by an overeager tween or teen is enough to drive any parent nuts. After all, isn’t it eating up time that could be spent playing outdoors, reading, or studying? Research, however, seems to think otherwise. Could the very activity you try and restrict in your children be helpful if they have a developmental disorder?

For children with language development issues or autism spectrum disorders, some skills we all take for granted can be a challenge. Whether it is a cognitive task, social skills, or basic language or math ability, video games may prove useful.

Social Skills

Take the case of pop culture phenomenon Pokemon Go becoming a hot favorite among children with Asperger’s syndrome. As one expert in a CNN story explains, the structure and consistency hold much appeal for someone with Asperger’s or autism. The game offers a shared social experience with others playing the game and is a medium for the child to go out in crowded places which they would normally shy away from.1 This shared love of a game makes it easier to bond and connect with peers, normally a huge hurdle for someone with these conditions. As the child gets better at the game, their ego also gets a boost, giving them the confidence needed for social interaction.2

While Pokemon Go may not have been aimed at kids with developmental disorders, some games like Social Clues from the University of Sothern California (USC) are targetted at helping such children with their social skills. Social Clues simulates real-world scenarios, with the child taking on the role of the protagonist. They navigate the game in various settings to recover a bunch of lost toys and converse with people along the way. Understanding emotional responses is also artfully worked into gameplay, helping a child relate better to other people. 3

Spatial Skills

Spatial visualization can be a challenge for some children and video games have the ability to improve these skills. As researchers in one study noted, for a group of children who played video games over a period of time, spatial skills improved, especially among those who started out with weaker skills. They suggested that video games could even help equalize any skill differences.4

Language And Reading Skills

Playing a video game helps a child improve their understanding of instructions and how to follow them, familiarizes them with language (like preposition usage), and creates a platform and backdrop for communication. Plus, with the character dialogue often appearing in the form of printed text on screen, reading skills improve too. Game instructions and directions also appear as text. For instance, to go to the “Next” screen or to begin “Play,” you need to click on those words to proceed.5

Numerical Ability And Problem Solving

Mathematical skills may be lacking in children with learning disabilities. One study of 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students who had learning disabilities found that arithmetic ability improved after they went through just four sessions of computer game-based practice. Because a game format was used, even those who suffered from motivation problems stayed engaged, highlighting the importance of video games as an instructional tool.6 The simulations in games also help children with developmental issues improve their problem-solving abilities.7

Don’t Overdo Game Time

While there are benefits to playing video games, too much of play can be just as bad as you feared. Besides the potential harm to eyes constantly exposed to the glare of the game visuals, a child could also see an elevation of symptoms in certain cases. As one study found, adolescents who spent more than an hour playing video games tended to show more signs of inattention and even ADHD. This in turn also had bearing on academic performance. So in short, regulated gameplay may be fine, but long spells of obsessive playing are certainly not.8

Research also warns us that teens or kids who have autism are already prone to addiction to video games, using them as an escape from the world they find so challenging to live in. Autism Speaks cautions against overuse of video games as therapy, given the higher tendency of children with these developmental disorders to show problematic or addictive video game usage.9

Tuesday, 27 September 2016 08:42

Should You Worry About Your Lipomas?

Ever had one of those wobbly bumps appear below your skin and been told they’re just “fatty cells”? Lipomas are usually nothing to worry about. But with cancer scares jolting us out of our reverie, do these benign lumps warrant some attention too?


What Are Lipomas?

Soft and non-cancerous, lipoma lumps are formed when too many fat cells aggregate in one area of the body beneath the skin. This could happen anywhere in the body, but lipomas are typically spotted in the neck and shoulder region, the chest or back, the arms, or buttock and thigh area.1

Most people get lipomas as adults, though you could get one at any age. Middle-aged men and women seem to find more visible lipomas than others. Men have a tendency to get multiple lipomas at one time, while women usually get just one.2

Should You Be Worried?

Lipomas while fairly common (with as many as one in a hundred people developing them) are usually harmless – unless they are causing you serious cosmetic issues or if they are located at a place that presses on a nerve or obstructs the bowels. In such cases, they can be surgically removed if needed.3

The main concern – and one that has people really worried – is whether their lipoma is or can become a tumor. Lipomas are generally noncancerous. Research also seems to indicate that lipomas won’t turn into liposarcomas. On the other hand, if you mistake a liposarcoma or fatty cancer for a benign lipoma, you run the risk of leaving a potentially dangerous condition untreated. So how do you tell the difference?

Lipomas are usually pea-sized or a couple of centimeters wide and are usually found just below the skin’s surface. They feel doughy, and some even move a bit when touched. Lipomas are also asymptomatic, with no other associated problems besides the discomfort or aesthetic issues of having a bump under your skin. They usually grow quite slowly.

Liposarcomas, on the other hand, are deep-seated and measure 5 cm or more. They are also usually firm or hard to the touch and can be painful. They seem to be more “fixed” and don’t move as much. They are typically found in the groin, thigh, or back of the abdomen.4

Dealing With Lipomas

For smaller lipomas that do not present a problem, your option is to just live with it. If the lipoma feels hard, is painful, is growing bigger, or has reappeared post removal, you may need to get professional medical help. If you suspect a tumor, rather than worrying yourself sick , approach a specialist who may use imaging tests to assess the lipoma.

Surgical Removal

The most common line of treatment for lipomas is surgery. An MRI may be done to image the tissue planes so the lipoma can be safely removed. Larger lipomas (of 5 cm and over) are usually dealt with surgically. This is because it is hard to tell a lipoma from a liposarcoma, and larger lumps which may be ignored assuming they are non-cancerous may well be malignant. As one study found, even professionals with expertise in orthopedic oncology and musculoskeletal radiology can only differentiate between a well-differentiated liposarcoma and a lipoma in just 69 percent of all cases.5 Your doctor might, therefore, suggest removing it in this case just to be safe.

Other options include injection lipolysis, Ayurveda, or naturopathy, though results may vary depending on the expertise of your practitioner.6

Dissolving Lipomas

One alternative to surgery is dissolving lipomas. This injection lipolysis essentially tries to lipodissolve the subcutaneous fat by the action of PDC/DC (phosphatidyl choline or sodium deoxycholate) compounds injected into the affected area. This approach is not unlike what cosmetic surgeons use to contour the body by nonsurgical methods. However, it is important to note that is not an Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approved treatment for lipomas. So you need to weigh you options (and the complications) carefully before this treatment. Complications include muscle injury or nerve damage if done by someone who isn’t completely aware of the underlying anatomy; skin ulceration or blisters if attempted as a self-injection; or atypical mycobacterial infection that can cause illness. However, if the doctor is well-trained and experienced, you may find injection lipolysis can be a cost-effective method to treat the lipoma. Researchers suggest further studies are required for wider acceptance.7

Alternative Solutions To Treat Lipomas

Curcumin in turmeric is anti-inflammatory besides being an antioxidant. Some herbal remedies use a paste made from turmeric to apply as a topical treatment. In addition, turmeric helps by healing you from within. According to holistic medicine, one cause for lipomas is a possible imbalance in the liver. Turmeric helps cleanse the liver and stimulates the production of bile acid, acting like a natural detox for your liver and blood. The advantage with turmeric as therapy is that it may also help combat free radical damage that has been implicated in some cancers of the body.8

Ayurveda sees lipomas as a symptom of kapha imbalance in your body and suggest the use of Vamana or induced vomiting as part of the popular Panchakarma therapy. This must be done carefully under the supervision of a trained practitioner, and can help restore balance where there is excess kapha.9 Kanchanara guggulu is a typically prescribed Ayurvedic remedy for kapha accumulations like lipoma and reduces the size of the lump of fatty tissue.10 Triphala is another popular remedy that can help in the purging of unwanted fat from the body.11